A book such as this serves no purpose in this day and age when one can easily get terse summaries of different statistical and econometric techniques from Wikipedia. This book has an awful lot of words but very few examples of how to apply many of techniques in practice, so often it doesn't really help when you have a confusion that you're trying to clear up. If 's is too mathematical, at least it has good examples of how to apply that math and sometimes the ma A book such as this serves no purpose in this day and age when one can easily get terse summaries of different statistical and econometric techniques from Wikipedia. This book has an awful lot of words but very few examples of how to apply many of techniques in practice, so often it doesn't really help when you have a confusion that you're trying to clear up. If 's is too mathematical, at least it has good examples of how to apply that math and sometimes the math can yield good intuition. This book certainly doesn't claim to be the most rigorous text and so I don't judge it as such, but it also provide very little value if what you seek is intuition.
Better to skip it and find another book.
A Guide to Econometrics has established itself as the first-choice text for teachers and students throughout the world. It provides an overview of the subject and an intuitive feel for its concepts and techniques without the notation and technical detail often characteristic of econometrics textbooks. The fourth edition updates the contents and references thoughout, while retaining the basic structure and flavor of earlier editions.
New material has been added on several topics, such as bootstrapping, count data, duration models, generalized method of moments, instrumental variable estimation, linear structural relations, Monte Carlo studies, neural nets, time series analysis, and VARs. A new appendix and a new type of exercise underline the importance of the sampling distribution concept. Get this book on: See more books recommended by: See more books written by: Sources.