The methods and systems chosen at new systems and restoration of ex isting sy stems s hould be subje ct to a long-t erm planning. At t he same time, we have to consider future dev elopment. T he solutions l isted bel ow are those which seem to be the most suitable for this purpose during the next few years. D is trict heating is co nside red the long-term solu tion, but it h as to be made more e ffic ient. Small produc tion plants are hard to manage f rom an envi ronment al- and a n eff icie ncy point of v iew. Smalle r sy stems should be re move d, th e lo ad should be c onnected to larger production plants.
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W hen t he loca l district heating networks hav e rea ched a s uffic i- ent num ber, th ey should be c onnected to a c ombined heating and power plant. D istance s of 14-15 km or more betwe en district heating networks cre ates no problem w ith t he modern preinsula ted pipes. T he combined heating and power plants produces electricity and heat all year round.
T he loc al heating plant are on “ Stand- by”. T hey are started when the combined heating and power plants cannot meet the total heat require- ment.
Large plants in operation day and night. T hey a re require d to achiev e the most effic ient combustion with t he small est poss ible dis charges. W hen all the local district heating networks share the same operation co nditions, it wil l, in the long run, be pos si ble to c onnec t t hem to a larg e combined heating and power plant. The primary system/ the district heating can be divided into:. production, central boile r pla nt. distribution, prei nsul ated pipes.
c onsumptio n, sub -station Produc tion D is tribution Consumption. Most of what we are doing in our ordinary lives affects the environment in one w ay or the other. Some things a re cl ea r to th e nak ed ey e: the smok e and th e so ot when we ar e li ghting a fire, for ins tance.
O ther th ings can be more diffi cult to detec t: as how much more smoke and soot that is f ormed if we do not effic iently utili ze the heat we are producing. O r: a unit in a central boiler plant must be exchanged after five years instead of 20 y ears, due to ineffic ient operation.
The consumption of coal has negative effects on the environment in the central boil er plant and its close st surroundings, but t he area f rom where th e coa l is c olle cted is al so indirec tly af fec ted. T he tr ansport t o and from the central boiler plant also has negative effects on the environment th rough its consumption of energy. T he most effic ient way of reduc ing the negative effects on the environment is to reduce the consumption of coal through a more effective use. The fuel in the district heating Main Power Stations will in general during a foreseeable future be coal and gas (only within certain areas). Irrespec tive of fuel type, impurities in t he fuel has to be kept as low a s possi ble.
Int ernational standards a pply. A decrease of the ash content in coal causes an immediate increase of the eff ici ency and reduces the d isc harges radica lly. T his decreas e can be ac complis hed by w ashing the coa l, and th is s hould be made w ithout delay, eve n for exis tin g boilers.
Crushing and washing of coal should not be made at the district heating Power Station but rather in connection with the mining process. By c hoosing coal c ont aining small qua nt ities of sul phur, th e disc harge of sulphur decrea ses in th e combus tion p roce ss.
Int ernationally th ere is only coal with less than 1% sulphur for sale. The use of better coal in all the boilers results immediately in smaller disc harges and ought t o be used as soon as pos sibl e. C oal of high quality shoul d, in the long run, be us ed in the l oca l hea ting pla nts, whil e c oal with a lower quality is to be used in the combined heating and power plants where an efficient purification of the flue gases takes place. T he combustion has to be ef fic ient, as it reduces th e impurities in the flue gases and utilizes the heat contents of the coal. C ombustion of c oal, base d upon pulve rised coal and burned with a fluidis ed bed, has prov ed to be th e bes t combustion t echnique at prese nt.
The impurity content in the flue gases is already low without the purifica tion. T his c ombustion technique should be us ed in new plant and when repla cing ol d boilers, both local and in combined heating and powe r plants.
C ombustion th at is eff ici ent and durable for a lo ng time, requires automatic operation and sound operating conditions.